October 14, 2011

127 Hours

Hello there, blog buddies!

So tonight I saw the movie 127 Hours with my parents on Blu-Ray en mi casa, and I must say, it was VERY good. I loved the style, the pace, and most of all, the story. Truly inspiring.

More than anything this movie made me think about the human condition and how precious life is. Although, there were also a lot of symbolic clips that showed tons of people walking in crowds, running marathons, etc. (I just had a thought...I wonder how many people use "etc." when they want to have a longer list but can't think of anything else to add to it, because that's what I just did. :/ ) For me these clips symbolized intense population. So I guess the whole theme for the movie for me was to think before you act. Aron, the main character, had multiple instances where he regretted doing or not doing things that led him into his situation. It was frustrating for me to watch at some points because I often struggle with regret in my everyday life as well. But thank God I would never dream of running and jumping around canyons. Baaaaad idea.

Anywho, it's late, and I should probably get to bed. My dad is putting on a haunted hayride tomorrow night with his FFA chapter and I have to help all day with the setup, practice, etc. <---- :) bahaha. Goodnight, world!

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