I'm the kind of girl who...
eats uncooked Pillsbury Crecent Roll dough.
listens avidly to Bon Iver.
has Starry Night by Van Gogh hanging up in her bedroom.
will buy a cello without any prior knowledge as to how to play it.eats uncooked Pillsbury Crecent Roll dough.
listens avidly to Bon Iver.
has the filmed Broadway version of RENT on her iPod.
loves ironic jokes.
puts more food on her plate than she can actually eat.
hates to see others in pain.
loves to play anything by Debussey.
falls asleep under an oak tree.
dances even though she shouldn't.
wears Ireland sweatshirts.
sings on-the-spot songs about what she's currently doing. (i.e. typy type type on the COMpuTER!!!)
reads in the bathtub.
wants to become a neuroscientist.
blogs about who she is.
I like what you put, I have no idea how to even make a blog let alone write about myself. I would have to really let my guard down because their is so much going on in my life. Kind of more then others, if so just the same as others.