June 14, 2011

My Very First Post

Hello there, my wonderful new companions. I'm very excited to be starting this blog!

It's officially summertime here in Iowa, so I've found myself with a little more time on my hands than usual. I guess I was feeling particularly bloggy today, and what better way to act on such a feeling than to create a brand new blog! :)

I've yet to entirely discern exactly what this blog will contain. I suppose I'll just end up rambling about whatever is on my mind. I'm glad the name of my blog isn't so specific that rambling would be out of the question. Rambling is my middle name. My first name is Rachel. Nice to meet you. :)

Well, I guess this concludes my very first post. I have some things to dooooo!!! Like delve deeper into a book I just starting reading: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. It's proved very interesting so far.

Until tomorrow!